Computes the origination, termination and duration of episodes during which the time series display explosive dynamics.

datestamp(object, cv = NULL, min_duration = 0L, ...)

# S3 method for radf_obj
  cv = NULL,
  min_duration = 0L,
  sig_lvl = 95,
  option = c("gsadf", "sadf"),
  nonrejected = FALSE,



An object of class obj.


An object of class cv.


The minimum duration of an explosive period for it to be reported (default = 0).


further arguments passed to methods.


logical. Significance level, one of 90, 95 or 99.


Whether to apply the "gsadf" or "sadf" methodology (default = "gsadf").


logical. Whether to apply datestamping technique to the series that were not able to reject the Null hypothesis.


Return a table with the following columns:

  • Start:

  • Peak:

  • End:

  • Duration:

  • Signal:

  • Ongoing:

Returns a list containing the estimated origination and termination dates of episodes of explosive behaviour and the corresponding duration.


Datestamp also stores a vector whose elements take the value of 1 when there is a period of explosive behaviour and 0 otherwise. This output can serve as a dummy variable for the occurrence of exuberance.


Phillips, P. C. B., Shi, S., & Yu, J. (2015). Testing for Multiple Bubbles: Historical Episodes of Exuberance and Collapse in the S&P 500. International Economic Review, 56(4), 1043-1078.


rsim_data <- radf(sim_data)

ds_data <- datestamp(rsim_data)
#> Using `radf_crit` for `cv`.
#> ── Datestamp (min_duration = 0) ───────────────────────────────── Monte Carlo ──
#> psy1 :
#>   Start Peak End Duration   Signal Ongoing
#> 1    44   48  56       12 positive   FALSE
#> psy2 :
#>   Start Peak End Duration   Signal Ongoing
#> 1    22   40  41       19 positive   FALSE
#> 2    62   70  71        9 positive   FALSE
#> evans :
#>   Start Peak End Duration   Signal Ongoing
#> 1    20   20  21        1 positive   FALSE
#> 2    44   44  45        1 positive   FALSE
#> 3    66   67  68        2 positive   FALSE
#> blan :
#>   Start Peak End Duration   Signal Ongoing
#> 1    34   36  37        3 positive   FALSE
#> 2    84   86  87        3 positive   FALSE

# Choose minimum window
datestamp(rsim_data, min_duration = psy_ds(nrow(sim_data)))
#> Using `radf_crit` for `cv`.
#> ── Datestamp (min_duration = 5) ───────────────────────────────── Monte Carlo ──
#> psy1 :
#>   Start Peak End Duration   Signal Ongoing
#> 1    44   48  56       12 positive   FALSE
#> psy2 :
#>   Start Peak End Duration   Signal Ongoing
#> 1    22   40  41       19 positive   FALSE
#> 2    62   70  71        9 positive   FALSE
