radf returns the recursive univariate and panel Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistics.

radf(data, minw = NULL, lag = 0L)



A univariate or multivariate numeric time series object, a numeric vector or matrix, or a data.frame. The object should not have any NA values.


A positive integer. The minimum window size (default = \((0.01 + 1.8/\sqrt(T))T\), where T denotes the sample size).


A non-negative integer. The lag length of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller regression (default = 0L).


A list that contains the unit root test statistics (sequence):


Augmented Dickey-Fuller


Backward Augmented Dickey-Fuller


Supremum Augmented Dickey-Fuller


Backward Supremum Augmented Dickey-Fuller


Generalized Supremum Augmented Dickey-Fuller


Panel Backward Supremum Augmented Dickey-Fuller


Panel Generalized Supremum Augmented Dickey-Fuller

And attributes:


The matrix used in the estimation.


The index parsed from the dataset.


The lag used in the estimation.


The number of rows.


The minimum window used in the estimation.


The series names.


The radf() function is vectorized, i.e., it can handle multiple series at once, to improve efficiency. This property also enables the computation of panel statistics internally as a by-product of the univariate estimations with minimal additional cost incurred.


Phillips, P. C. B., Wu, Y., & Yu, J. (2011). Explosive Behavior in The 1990s Nasdaq: When Did Exuberance Escalate Asset Values? International Economic Review, 52(1), 201-226.

Phillips, P. C. B., Shi, S., & Yu, J. (2015). Testing for Multiple Bubbles: Historical Episodes of Exuberance and Collapse in the S&P 500. International Economic Review, 56(4), 1043-1078.

Pavlidis, E., Yusupova, A., Paya, I., Peel, D., Martínez-García, E., Mack, A., & Grossman, V. (2016). Episodes of exuberance in housing markets: in search of the smoking gun. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 53(4), 419-449.


# \donttest{
# We will use simulated data that are stored as data
#> # A tibble: 100 × 5
#>    psy1  psy2  evans div   blan  
#>    <sim> <sim> <sim> <sim> <sim> 
#>  1 100   100   0.5   68.4  0.1   
#>  2 90.3  102   0.563 66    0.0408
#>  3 93.4  110   0.583 78.9  0.121 
#>  4 92.9  116   0.575 75.6  0.0195
#>  5 106   127   0.545 74.8  0.0216
#>  6 102   114   0.577 77.7  0.0117
#>  7 109   120   0.658 80.8  0.0265
#>  8 105   130   0.7   91.4  0.0238
#>  9 112   128   0.684 87.4  0.0332
#> 10 124   131   0.735 72.2  0.0342
#> # ℹ 90 more rows

rsim <- radf(sim_data)

#> List of 7
#>  $ adf        : Named num [1:5] -2.46 -2.86 -5.83 -1.95 -5.15
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "psy1" "psy2" "evans" "div" ...
#>  $ badf       : num [1:81, 1:5] -2.31 -2.36 -2.49 -2.26 -1.63 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ : NULL
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:5] "psy1" "psy2" "evans" "div" ...
#>  $ sadf       : Named num [1:5] 1.95 7.88 5.28 1.11 3.93
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "psy1" "psy2" "evans" "div" ...
#>  $ bsadf      : num [1:81, 1:5] -2.31 -2.36 -2.49 -2.26 -1.26 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ : NULL
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:5] "psy1" "psy2" "evans" "div" ...
#>  $ gsadf      : Named num [1:5] 5.19 7.88 5.99 1.34 10.95
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "psy1" "psy2" "evans" "div" ...
#>  $ bsadf_panel: num [1:81] -0.0702 -1.5266 -1.2379 -1.101 -0.7169 ...
#>  $ gsadf_panel: num 2.41
#>  - attr(*, "mat")= num [1:100, 1:5] 100 90.3 93.4 92.9 106.2 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ : NULL
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:5] "psy1" "psy2" "evans" "div" ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "index")= num [1:100] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "series_names")= chr [1:5] "psy1" "psy2" "evans" "div" ...
#>  - attr(*, "index")= num [1:100] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
#>  - attr(*, "series_names")= chr [1:5] "psy1" "psy2" "evans" "div" ...
#>  - attr(*, "minw")= num 19
#>  - attr(*, "lag")= int 0
#>  - attr(*, "n")= int 100
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "radf_obj" "list"

# We would also use data that contain a Date column
#> # A tibble: 100 × 6
#>    psy1  psy2  evans div   blan   date      
#>    <sim> <sim> <sim> <sim> <sim>  <date>    
#>  1 100   100   0.5   68.4  0.1    2000-01-01
#>  2 90.3  102   0.563 66    0.0408 2000-02-01
#>  3 93.4  110   0.583 78.9  0.121  2000-03-01
#>  4 92.9  116   0.575 75.6  0.0195 2000-04-01
#>  5 106   127   0.545 74.8  0.0216 2000-05-01
#>  6 102   114   0.577 77.7  0.0117 2000-06-01
#>  7 109   120   0.658 80.8  0.0265 2000-07-01
#>  8 105   130   0.7   91.4  0.0238 2000-08-01
#>  9 112   128   0.684 87.4  0.0332 2000-09-01
#> 10 124   131   0.735 72.2  0.0342 2000-10-01
#> # ℹ 90 more rows

rsim_wdate <- radf(sim_data_wdate)
#> Using `date` as index variable.

#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#>   id      adf  sadf gsadf
#>   <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 psy1  -2.46  1.95  5.19
#> 2 psy2  -2.86  7.88  7.88
#> 3 evans -5.83  5.28  5.99
#> 4 div   -1.95  1.11  1.34
#> 5 blan  -5.15  3.93 11.0 

#> # A tibble: 405 × 6
#>      key index      id        data   badf  bsadf
#>    <int> <date>     <chr>    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1    20 2001-08-01 psy1  104.     -2.31  -2.31 
#>  2    20 2001-08-01 psy2  161.     -0.756 -0.756
#>  3    20 2001-08-01 evans   1.92    5.28   5.28 
#>  4    20 2001-08-01 div   134.      0.184  0.184
#>  5    20 2001-08-01 blan    0.0585 -2.75  -2.75 
#>  6    21 2001-09-01 psy1  110.     -2.36  -2.36 
#>  7    21 2001-09-01 psy2  170.     -0.167 -0.167
#>  8    21 2001-09-01 evans   0.489  -2.73  -2.69 
#>  9    21 2001-09-01 div   140.      0.288  0.288
#> 10    21 2001-09-01 blan    0.0438 -2.81  -2.70 
#> # ℹ 395 more rows

tidy(rsim_wdate, panel = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>   gsadf_panel
#>         <dbl>
#> 1        2.41

#> [1] "2000-01-01" "2000-02-01" "2000-03-01" "2000-04-01" "2000-05-01"
#> [6] "2000-06-01"

# For lag = 1 and minimum window = 20
rsim_20 <- radf(sim_data, minw = 20, lag = 1)
# }