Price Paid Data tracks property sales in England and Wales submitted to HM Land Registry for registration. Price Paid Data is based on the raw data released each month.

  postcode = "PL6 8RU",
  item = NULL,
  optional_item = NULL,
  start_date = NULL,
  end_date = NULL,



postcode to select, see ukppd_avail_postcode() for available postcodes.


item to select, see ukppd_avail_items() for available items.


optional item to select that describes the location of the transaction, , see ukppd_avail_optional_items() for available items.


the start date as YYYY-MM-DD.


the end date as YYYY-MM-DD.


query modifiers passed through rdf_modifiers.


Returns a tibble in long format.


# \donttest{ ukppd_get("PL6 8RU")
#> # A tibble: 32 x 4 #> postcode amount date category #> <chr> <dbl> <date> <chr> #> 1 PL6 8RU 227000 2007-06-29 Standard price paid transaction #> 2 PL6 8RU 149950 2002-11-08 Standard price paid transaction #> 3 PL6 8RU 220000 2005-06-29 Standard price paid transaction #> 4 PL6 8RU 195000 2004-06-17 Standard price paid transaction #> 5 PL6 8RU 172000 2008-11-14 Standard price paid transaction #> 6 PL6 8RU 180000 2014-06-02 Standard price paid transaction #> 7 PL6 8RU 58000 2000-05-19 Standard price paid transaction #> 8 PL6 8RU 179000 2011-04-20 Standard price paid transaction #> 9 PL6 8RU 192500 2011-07-27 Standard price paid transaction #> 10 PL6 8RU 202500 2015-06-29 Standard price paid transaction #> # … with 22 more rows
ukppd_get("PL6 8RU", start_date = "2001-01-01")
#> # A tibble: 30 x 4 #> postcode amount date category #> <chr> <dbl> <date> <chr> #> 1 PL6 8RU 227000 2007-06-29 Standard price paid transaction #> 2 PL6 8RU 149950 2002-11-08 Standard price paid transaction #> 3 PL6 8RU 220000 2005-06-29 Standard price paid transaction #> 4 PL6 8RU 195000 2004-06-17 Standard price paid transaction #> 5 PL6 8RU 172000 2008-11-14 Standard price paid transaction #> 6 PL6 8RU 180000 2014-06-02 Standard price paid transaction #> 7 PL6 8RU 179000 2011-04-20 Standard price paid transaction #> 8 PL6 8RU 192500 2011-07-27 Standard price paid transaction #> 9 PL6 8RU 202500 2015-06-29 Standard price paid transaction #> 10 PL6 8RU 199950 2004-07-21 Standard price paid transaction #> # … with 20 more rows
ukppd_get("PL6 8RU", item = "newBuild", optional_item = "street")
#> # A tibble: 32 x 6 #> postcode amount date category newBuild street #> <chr> <dbl> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 PL6 8RU 227000 2007-06-29 Standard price paid transa… false PATTINSON DR… #> 2 PL6 8RU 149950 2002-11-08 Standard price paid transa… false PATTINSON DR… #> 3 PL6 8RU 220000 2005-06-29 Standard price paid transa… false PATTINSON DR… #> 4 PL6 8RU 195000 2004-06-17 Standard price paid transa… false PATTINSON DR… #> 5 PL6 8RU 172000 2008-11-14 Standard price paid transa… false PATTINSON DR… #> 6 PL6 8RU 180000 2014-06-02 Standard price paid transa… false PATTINSON DR… #> 7 PL6 8RU 58000 2000-05-19 Standard price paid transa… false PATTINSON DR… #> 8 PL6 8RU 179000 2011-04-20 Standard price paid transa… false PATTINSON DR… #> 9 PL6 8RU 192500 2011-07-27 Standard price paid transa… false PATTINSON DR… #> 10 PL6 8RU 202500 2015-06-29 Standard price paid transa… false PATTINSON DR… #> # … with 22 more rows
# }