The UK House Price Index (UK HPI) captures changes in the value of residential properties. The UK HPI uses sales data collected on residential housing transactions, whether for cash or with a mortgage. Data is available at a national and regional level, as well as counties, local authorities and London boroughs.

  region = "england",
  item = "housePriceIndex",
  regexp = FALSE,
  start_date = NULL,
  end_date = NULL,



the region to select. If regexp is set to FALSE then the matching should be exact, see ukhp_avail_regions for available regions. If regexp is set to TRUE then partial matching is possible. Furthermore if it is set to NULL then selects all available regions.


the item to select. See ukhp_avail_items for the available categories.


use regular expression in sparql to search for regions.


the start date as YYYY-MM-DD.


the end date as YYYY-MM-DD.


query modifiers passed through rdf_modifiers.


Returns a tibble in long format.


Properties have been included:

  • in England and Wales since January 1995

  • in Scotland since January 2004

  • in Northern Ireland since January 2005

See also



# \donttest{ # This is case sensitive ukhp_get("england")
#> # A tibble: 636 x 3 #> region date housePriceIndex #> <fct> <date> <dbl> #> 1 england 1968-04-01 1.68 #> 2 england 1968-04-01 1.68 #> 3 england 1968-04-01 1.68 #> 4 england 1968-07-01 1.74 #> 5 england 1968-07-01 1.74 #> 6 england 1968-07-01 1.74 #> 7 england 1968-10-01 1.73 #> 8 england 1968-10-01 1.73 #> 9 england 1968-10-01 1.73 #> 10 england 1969-01-01 1.76 #> # … with 626 more rows
# However you can use regular expression instead of exact match ukhp_get("england", regexp = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 1,299 x 3 #> region date housePriceIndex #> <fct> <date> <dbl> #> 1 england 1968-04-01 1.68 #> 2 england 1968-04-01 1.68 #> 3 england 1968-04-01 1.68 #> 4 england 1968-07-01 1.74 #> 5 england 1968-07-01 1.74 #> 6 england 1968-07-01 1.74 #> 7 england 1968-10-01 1.73 #> 8 england 1968-10-01 1.73 #> 9 england 1968-10-01 1.73 #> 10 england 1969-01-01 1.76 #> # … with 1,289 more rows
# For all available items ukhp_avail_items()
#> [1] "averagePrice" #> [2] "housePriceIndex" #> [3] "percentageChange" #> [4] "percentageAnnualChange" #> [5] "salesVolume" #> [6] "averagePriceDetached" #> [7] "housePriceIndexDetached" #> [8] "percentageChangeDetached" #> [9] "percentageAnnualChangeDetached" #> [10] "averagePriceSemiDetached" #> [11] "housePriceIndexSemiDetached" #> [12] "percentageChangeSemiDetached" #> [13] "percentageAnnualChangeSemiDetached" #> [14] "averagePriceTerraced" #> [15] "housePriceIndexTerraced" #> [16] "percentageChangeTerraced" #> [17] "percentageAnnualChangeTerraced" #> [18] "averagePriceFlatMaisonette" #> [19] "housePriceIndexFlatMaisonette" #> [20] "percentageChangeFlatMaisonette" #> [21] "percentageAnnualChangeFlatMaisonette" #> [22] "averagePriceCash" #> [23] "housePriceIndexCash" #> [24] "percentageChangeCash" #> [25] "percentageAnnualChangeCash" #> [26] "averagePriceMortgage" #> [27] "housePriceIndexMortgage" #> [28] "percentageChangeMortgage" #> [29] "percentageAnnualChangeMortgage" #> [30] "averagePriceFirstTimeBuyer" #> [31] "housePriceIndexFirstTimeBuyer" #> [32] "percentageChangeFirstTimeBuyer" #> [33] "percentageAnnualChangeFirstTimeBuyer" #> [34] "averagePriceFormerOwnerOccupier" #> [35] "housePriceIndexFormerOwnerOccupier" #> [36] "percentageChangeFormerOwnerOccupier" #> [37] "percentageAnnualChangeFormerOwnerOccupier" #> [38] "averagePriceNewBuild" #> [39] "housePriceIndexNewBuild" #> [40] "percentageChangeNewBuild" #> [41] "percentageAnnualChangeNewBuild" #> [42] "averagePriceExistingProperty" #> [43] "housePriceIndexExistingProperty" #> [44] "percentageChangeExistingProperty" #> [45] "percentageAnnualChangeExistingProperty" #> [46] "salesVolumeExistingProperty" #> [47] "salesVolumeNewBuild" #> [48] "salesVolumeCash" #> [49] "salesVolumeMortgage"
ukhp_get(c("england", "wales"), item = c("salesVolume", "housePriceIndexDetached"))
#> # A tibble: 626 x 4 #> region date salesVolume housePriceIndexDetached #> <fct> <date> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 england 1996-02-01 51401 27.6 #> 2 england 1995-12-01 69345 27.7 #> 3 england 1995-03-01 67025 27.7 #> 4 england 1995-02-01 47880 27.8 #> 5 england 1996-01-01 48694 27.8 #> 6 england 1996-03-01 68453 27.8 #> 7 england 1995-05-01 64192 27.9 #> 8 england 1995-11-01 63955 27.9 #> 9 england 1995-06-01 72640 28.0 #> 10 england 1995-09-01 67251 28.0 #> # … with 616 more rows
# }