Stable lifecycle

Remove global deterministic trend information from the series.

  • dt_lin removes the linear trend.

  • dt_quad removes the quadratic trend.

  • dt_poly removes the nth-degree polynomial trend.

dtrend_lin(x, bp = NULL, na.rm = getOption(""))

dtrend_quad(x, bp = NULL, na.rm = getOption(""))

dtrend_poly(x, degree, bp = NULL, na.rm = getOption(""))



[univariate vector]

Univariate vector, numeric or ts object with only one dimension.


[positive integer(1)]

Break points to define piecewise segments of the data.


[logical(1): getOption("")]

A value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.


[positive integer(1)]

Value indicating the degree of polynomial


Returns a vector with the same class and attributes as the input vector.


set.seed(123) t <- 1:20 # Linear trend x <- 3*sin(t) + t plotx(cbind(x, dtrend_lin(x)))
# Quadratic trend x2 <- 3*sin(t) + t + t^2 plotx(cbind(raw = x2, quad = dtrend_quad(x2)))
# Introduce a breaking point at point = 10 xbp <- 3*sin(t) + t xbp[10:20] <- x[10:20] + 15 plotx(cbind(raw = xbp, lin = dtrend_lin(xbp), lin_bp = dtrend_lin(xbp, bp = 10)))