This functions is used to find information about data published by the ONS. Datasets are published in unique versions, which are categorized by edition. Available datasets are given an id. All available id can be viewed with ons_ids().

  id = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  version = NULL,
  ons_read = getOption(""),

ons_get_obs(id = NULL, edition = NULL, version = NULL, ...)



[character] Id that represents a dataset.


[character] A subset of the dataset representing a specific time period. For some datasets this edition can contain all time periods (all historical data). The latest version of this is displayed by default.


[character] A specific instance of the edition at a point in time. New versions can be published as a result of corrections, revisions or new data becoming available.


[character]. Reading backend, one of readr, data.table or vroom.


Further arguments passed on the methods.


A tibble with the dataset in tidy format.


# \donttest{
ons_get(id = "cpih01")
#> # A tibble: 49,776 × 7
#>     v4_0 `mmm-yy` Time   `uk-only` Geography      cpih1dim1aggid Aggregate      
#>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>     <chr>          <chr>          <chr>          
#>  1   0   Jan-88   Jan-88 K02000001 United Kingdom CP0915         09.1.5 Repair …
#>  2  62   Jan-88   Jan-88 K02000001 United Kingdom CP1212_1213    12.1.2/3 Appli…
#>  3  22.3 Jan-88   Jan-88 K02000001 United Kingdom CP073          07.3 Transport…
#>  4 154.  Jan-88   Jan-88 K02000001 United Kingdom CP032          03.2 Footwear …
#>  5  57   Jan-88   Jan-88 K02000001 United Kingdom CP0561         05.6.1 Non-dur…
#>  6 120.  Jan-88   Jan-88 K02000001 United Kingdom CP052          05.2 Household…
#>  7  45.1 Jan-88   Jan-88 K02000001 United Kingdom CP012          01.2 Non-alcoh…
#>  8 127.  Jan-88   Jan-88 K02000001 United Kingdom CP0711N2       07.1.1b Second…
#>  9  97   Jan-88   Jan-88 K02000001 United Kingdom CP08           08 Communicati…
#> 10  53.7 Jan-88   Jan-88 K02000001 United Kingdom CP0112         01.1.2 Meat    
#> # … with 49,766 more rows

# Same dataset but older version
ons_get(id = "cpih01", version = "5")
#> # A tibble: 55,977 × 7
#>     v4_0 `mmm-yy` Time   `uk-only` Geography      cpih1dim1aggid   Aggregate    
#>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>     <chr>          <chr>            <chr>        
#>  1  90.9 Jul-11   Jul-11 K02000001 United Kingdom cpih1dim1G110100 11.1 Caterin…
#>  2  68.7 Feb-98   Feb-98 K02000001 United Kingdom cpih1dim1S10102  01.1.2 Meat  
#>  3  94.9 Mar-12   Mar-12 K02000001 United Kingdom cpih1dim1S80200  08.2.0 Telep…
#>  4  84.9 Aug-93   Aug-93 K02000001 United Kingdom cpih1dim1S120102 12.1.2/3 App…
#>  5 102.  Dec-12   Dec-12 K02000001 United Kingdom cpih1dim1S50200  05.2.0 House…
#>  6  91.4 Apr-91   Apr-91 K02000001 United Kingdom cpih1dim1S90303  09.3.3 Garde…
#>  7   0   Jun-96   Jun-96 K02000001 United Kingdom cpih1dim1S120400 12.4.0 Socia…
#>  8 108.  Mar-03   Mar-03 K02000001 United Kingdom cpih1dim1S50200  05.2.0 House…
#>  9  30.8 May-96   May-96 K02000001 United Kingdom cpih1dim1G20200  02.2 Tobacco 
#> 10  85.3 Jun-99   Jun-99 K02000001 United Kingdom cpih1dim1G50500  05.5 Tools a…
#> # … with 55,967 more rows
# }
# \donttest{
# Take only specific observations
ons_get_obs("cpih01", geography = "K02000001", aggregate = "cpih1dim1A0", time = "Oct-11")
#> Fetched 0/0 (limit = 10000, offset = 0) 
#> # A tibble: 0 × 0

# Or can use a wildcard for the time
ons_get_obs("cpih01", geography = "K02000001", aggregate = "cpih1dim1A0", time = "*")
#> Fetched 0/0 (limit = 10000, offset = 0) 
#> # A tibble: 0 × 0

# }